Temperature range -30°C /+90°C
Voltage Rating U0/U (Um): 0,6/1(1,2) kV


Conductor   IEC 60228,5
Construction   IEC 60092-353
Halogen free   IEC 60754-1, -2
Flame retardant   IEC 60332-1-2
Smoke density   IEC 61034-1, -2


Approval           DNV E-12774

Fler produkter i Texiline


Thin-wall insulated wire for use in switchboards and panels with a voltage of 150/250 V.


Double Insulated wire for short circuit installation in switchboards and panels.

TEXILine Signal 150/250V

Signal cable for use in communication and instrumentation applications.

TEXILine Canbus marine

Special cable design for installation on ships.

TEXILine Power 0,6/1kV

Flexible cable for indoor and outdoor fixed installations.

TEXILine Power EMC 0,6/1kV (RXZ-HF)

EMC-screened flexible cable for indoor and outdoor fixed installations. 

TEXILine Power VFD EMC 1,8/3kV (RXZ-HF)

EMC-screened flexible cable for fixed installations with variable frequency drives.

TEXILine Power VFD EMC Soft 1,8/3kV (RXZ-HF)

EMC-screened flexible cable specially designed for retractable azimuth thruster installations.

TEXILine Canbus hybrid

Special cable design for installation on ships.


Overhead double-insulated 1 kV spiral cable.


Aluminium wire (AL1) is used in low, medium and high voltage lines. 


The ACSR is designed around a galvanized steel core that may consist of one or more wires. 


Aluminum alloy, that maintain a high conductivity together with a increased tensile strength.

AlMgSi (AL7) - AAAC

AlMgSi-alloy (AL7) is designed to have a higher strength to weight ratio.

Hard drawn copper conductor

Earthing conductor for fixed installation in ground.

Annealed copper conductors

Earthing conductor for fixed installation in ground.

FX copper wire 25-95

For fixed installations indoor/outdoor in the air and on the ground.


Soft stay wire.


Hard stay wire.

TEXILine Signal (c) Al-foil 150/250V

Signal cable for use in communication and instrumentation applications.

TEXILine Signal (c) Cu-braid 150/250V

Signal cable for use in communication and instrumentation applications.

TEXILine Signal (c) (i) Al-foil 150/250V

Signal cable for use in communication and instrumentation applications.

TEXILine Signal (c) (i) Cu-braid 150/250V

Signal cable for use in communication and instrumentation applications.

AQUALine Fishfarm

1kV flexible cable, specially designed for the fish farming industry.

FXAQ (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with aluminium shield and tin-coated continuity wire.

FXAQ (i) (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with aluminium shield and tin-coated continuity wire.

FXFQ (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with braided, tin-coated shield.

FXFQ (i) (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with braided, tin-coated shield.

RXQ 250V

Signal cable for communication and instrumentation applications.

JOMPPI 12/20 (24) kV

Connection cable (Jumper) with compacted aluminium conductor.

AmoExtreme 0,6/1kV

1kV flexible connection cable for use where high mechanical requirements are necessary.

AmoExtreme Fiber Com

CCST W 10-52kV

CCST is a round stranded, non-compacted covered overhead conductor.

CCSX W 10-52kV

CCSX is a round stranded, non-compacted covered overhead conductor.