19 Aug 2024

We support the Children's Cancer Foundation through the Run of Hope on September 14th

In September, it's time for the Run of Hope and we are contributing to the fight against childhood cancer. For every participant who signs up for the race, we will donate 30 SEK directly to the Children's Cancer Foundation. This initiative is an important part of our commitment to support children and families affected by cancer.
Childhood cancer is one of the hardest challenges a family can face, and the need for support is great. Therefore, every contribution, no matter the size, is of immense importance. Our involvement in the Run of Hope is part of our long-term commitment to make a difference in society, and we are proud to be able to help improve the lives of those battling this devastating disease.
- Amokabel's contribution per participant is a fantastic support. I hope for the same turnout as last year for this event, as it would mean a significant contribution directly to the Run of Hope's collection for the Children's Cancer Foundation. We are very thankful and glad that Amokabel is on board as a corporate sponsor,** says Towe Nilsson, organizer of the Run of Hope.
Every contribution, no matter how small, has an enormous significance. For us, it is important to stand behind this initiative, and we hope that our commitment can inspire others to do the same. Together, we can create a future where childhood cancer is a thing of the past. Through our collective efforts, we can continue to support the life-saving treatments that are crucial for the children's survival and quality of life.

On September 14th, we are not just running for ourselves – we are running for all the children fighting for their lives. Together, we make a difference!