FXAQ (i) (c) 250V

DNV-approved signal cable for communication and instrumentation.
Halogen-free twisted pair signal cable with common aluminium screen and tin-coated drain wire. The pair is individually screened with aluminium foil and tin-coated drain wire. The aluminium screen over the pairs minimises interference and crosstalk between circuits. The cable is designed for fixed installations. Available with class 2 or class 5 copper conductors.

Conductor temperature :   90°C
Temperature range, fixed install  -30 to +90°C
Voltage Rating  U0/U(Um)  150/250(300) V
Construction IEC 60092-350
  IEC 60092-376
  IEC 60092-360
Conductor IEC 60228,2-5
Halogen free: IEC 60754-1/2
Smoke Density IEC 61034-1/2
Flameretardant IEC 60332-1
Flameretardent: IEC 60332-3-22
Nedladdningsbara filer

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FXAQ (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with aluminium shield and tin-coated continuity wire.

FXFQ (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with braided, tin-coated shield.

FXFQ (i) (c) 250V

Halogen-free matched signal cable with braided, tin-coated shield.

RXQ 250V

Signal cable for communication and instrumentation applications.